Kevin Noble: Mono Lake Evening

Poet of the Month

Jim Hargis

Hi and blessings to all.

Jim started out as a child in the Ozark Hills of southwest Missouri. Blessed with some athletic ability, he was blessed, for a few years, to play professional baseball. That was followed by the law school and the “trippy hippie 60s” of Berkeley California. And, no, he never inhaled! Read more about Poet of the Month

Deann Acton: Sea Monster 1

The Cancer Box

The Cancer Box
by Amy Li

Inside the cancer box, it was the gray zone, how you saw it was in your heart, you could either see the light coming through the edge of the box, or you could just be completely in the dark.

No one and nobody could really tell you how well you were gonna do, and whether you gonna survive. A good oncologist would always tell you, you would be fine because they knew the power of the human mind and strength, and they also didn’t want to scare you.

Read more about The Cancer Box