Susan Payrovi
Dr. Payrovi is a physician practicing Integrative and Functional Medicine at Stanford’s Center for Integrative Medicine. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Microbiology. And Molecular Genetics at UCLA and completed her medical education at UC San Diego in 2003. She completed a residency in Anesthesiology at USC in 2007. Dr. Payrovi is board certified in Anesthesiology, Hospice, and Palliative Medicine. As well as Integrative Medicine. She has additional training in Functional Medicine and acupuncture.
Dr. Payrovi’s areas of interest include the treatment of chronic diseases. Including autoimmune, gastrointestinal, and cardiometabolic conditions. As well as cancer and pain management. She employs an “inside out” approach to healing. Focusing on identifying and treating the root cause of illness. Dr. Payrovi’s training in conventional western medicine, integrative and functional medicine. As well as other complementary therapies, including acupuncture and Mind-Body Medicine. allow her to develop a personalized, holistic, patient-centered care plan that focuses on treating the root cause of illness.
Susan teaches an amazing Mind Body Balance: It’s the New Healthy at Stanford’s Center for Integrative Medicine.
The next class starts on 11/13-12/18.
“An 8-week course to reboot for health”
“Whether you are in good health or dealing with chronic health issues, this course will teach you what it takes to achieve optimal health from the inside out. Lasting change comes from understanding the rationale for healthy habits and having the social support to guide you toward lifestyle change. In this course, you will learn what it takes to achieve your best health. Alongside other like-minded people on the same journey.”
Art by Deann Acton, our Artist of the Month.